
王价輝 副教授


office: Room 450

Phone: (05)2720411#66113

Fax: (05)2720497

Email:  jhwang@ccu.edu.tw


  • 存活分析
  • 無母數統計
  • 高維度統計學習
  • 生物資訊






  • 國立清華大學統計學研究所博士 2012  
  • 國立中央大學統計研究所碩士 2006
  • 淡江大學統計學系學士 2004


  • 國立中正大學數學系  副教授 (2023/08~迄今)
  • 逢甲大學統計學系  副教授 (2022/08~2023/07 )
  • 逢甲大學統計學系  助理教授 (2019/08~2022/07)
  • 中央研究院統計科學研究所  博士後研究員(2017/05~2019/07)
  • 國家衛生研究院群體健康科學研究所  博士後研究員 (2013/09~2017/04)



  1.   Chen YH*, Hsu SY, Wang JH*, Su CC (2024-07). Analyzing Treatment Effect by Integrating Existing Propensity Score and Outcome Regressions with Heterogeneous Covariate Sets. Mathematics, 12(14):2265. (SCIE)

  2. Wang JH*, Liu CY, Min YR, Wu ZH, Hou PL (2024-07). Cancer Diagnosis by Gene-Environment Interactions via Combination of SMOTE-Tomek and Overlapped Group Screening Approaches with Application to Imbalanced TCGA Clinical and Genomic Data. Mathematics, 12(14):2209. (SCIE)

  3. Chien MC, Huang CY, Wang JH*, Shih CL*, Wu P (2024-05). Effects of vitamin D in pregnancy on maternal and offspring health-related outcomes: umbrella review of systematic review and meta-analyses. Nutrition & Diabetes, 14(1):35. (SCIE)

  4. Wang JH, Liu HY, Chen YC* (2024-03). The Use of Target Genes in Insurance Products and Life Expectancy Prediction - A Case Study from the Cancer Genome Atlas Project. Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association. 62(1):34-54. (CIS, JEL, EconLit)

  5. Wang JH*, Chen YH (2023-06). Overlapping group screening for binary cancer classification with tcga high-dimensional genomic data. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 21(3):2350013. (SCIE)

  6. Wu SJ*, Huang SR, Wang JH (2023-03). Determination of Warranty Length for One-shot Devices with Rayleigh Lifetime Distribution. Communications in Statistics -- Theory and Methods, 52(5):1400-1416. (SCIE)

  7.  Wang JH*, Yang CT (2022-07). Identification of Gene-Environment Interactions by Non-Parametric Kendall’s Partial Correlation with Application to TCGA Ultrahigh-Dimensional Survival Genomic Data. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27(8):225. (SCIE)

  8. Wang JH*, Wang KH, Chen YH (2022-05). Overlapping group screening for detection of gene-environment interactions with application to TCGA high-dimensional survival genomic data. BMC Bioinformatics, 23(1). (SCIE)
  9. Su CY, Wang JH, Chang TY, Shih CL* (2022-04). Mass defect filter technique combined with stable isotope tracing for drug metabolite identification using high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1208:339814. (SCIE)

  10. Wang JH*, Li CR, Hou PL (2022-03). Feature screening for survival trait with application to TCGA high-dimensional genomic data. PeerJ, 10(3):e13098. (SCIE)

  11.  Wang JH*, Chen YH (2021-08). Network-adjusted Kendalls Tau Measure for Feature Screening with Application to High-dimensional Survival Genomic Data. Bioinformatics, 37(15):2150-2156. (SCIE)

  12. Wang JH, Chen YH* (2020-05). Interaction Screening by Kendall’s Partial Correlation for Ultrahigh-dimensional Data with Survival Trait. Bioinformatics, 36(9):2763-2769. (SCIE)

  13. Wang JH, Pan CH, Chang IS*, Hsiung CA (2020-04). Penalized Full Likelihood Approach to Variable Selection for Cox’s Regression Model under Nested Case-Control Sampling. Lifetime Data Analysis, 26(2):292-314. (SCIE)

  14. Wang JH, Chen YH* (2018-09). Overlapping Group Screening for Detection of Gene-gene Interactions: Application to Gene Expression Profiles with Survival Trait. BMC Bioinformatics, 19:335. (SCIE)

  15. Chien LH, Tseng TJ, Tsai FY, Wang JH, Hsiung CA, Liu TW*, Chang IS* (2018-01). Pattern of Age-specific Socioeconomic Inequalities in Net Survival for Common Cancers in Taiwan: A Country with Universal Health Coverage. Cancer Epidemiology, 53:42–48. (SCIE)

  16. Fang YH, Wang JH, Hsiung CA* (2017-11). TSGSIS: A High-dimensional Grouped Variable Selection Approach for Detection of Whole-genome SNP–SNP Interactions. Bioinformatics, 33(22):3595–3602. (SCIE)


  1. Wang JH, Chen YH*, Pan CH, Chang IS (2020-03). Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Case-Cohort and Nested Case-Control Designs with Competing Risks Data. Statistical Modeling in Biomedical Research - Contemporary Topics and Voices in the Field (ISBN: 978-3-030-33416-1). New York, USA: Springer Nature Switzerland.


  1. 高維度之存活基因資料下強韌肯德爾相關係數之變數篩選研究. 108-2118-M035-004-MY2. Project Period: 2019/10/012021/07/31.
  2. 高維度之存活基因資料,利用兩個穩健方法執行基因-環境交互作用變數篩選. 110-2118-M035-001-MY2 . Project Period: 2021/08/012023/07/31.
  3. 基於多元邏輯斯回歸模型的生物標誌物通過重疊群組篩選過程進行癌症診斷並應用於美國癌症基因組圖譜數據. 112-2118-M-194 -003 -MY2. Project Period: 2023/08/012025/07/31.
