Guo, JS; Huang, BC; Wakasa, T; Wang, CJ; Yu, CY, 2020. The structure of stationary solutions to a micro-electro mechanical system with fringing field. Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 269 (9) pp. 7676-7704. (SCIE)
Chan, Chueh-Hsin; Chen, Yu-Shuo; Hong, John M; Huang, Bo-Chih(2019, JAN )Existence and instability of traveling pulses of Keller-Segel system with nonlinear chemical gradients and small diffusions. NONLINEARITY, 32( 1) pp.143-167
Shih-Wei Chou, John M. Hong, Bo-Chih Huang, Reyna Quita (2018, Feb). Global bounded variation solutions describing Fanno-Rayleigh fluid flows in nozzles. Mathematical Model and Methods in Applied Sciences. MOST 104-2115-M-008-015-MY3.
Bo-Chih Huang, Shih-Wei, Chou, John M. Hong, and Chien-Chang Yen (2016, Aug). Global Transonic Solutions of Planetary Atmospheres in Hydrodynamic Region-Hydrodynamic Escape Problem due to Gravity and Heat. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48(6), 4268–4310. (SCI). MOST 104-2115-M-008-015-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
John M. Hong, Chien-Chang Yen, Bo-Chih Huang* (2014, Aug). Characterization of the transonic stationary solutions of the Hydrodynamic escape problem. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 74(6), 1709-1741. (SCI). MOST 101-2115-M-008-007. 本人為通訊作者.
Jong-Shenq Guo*, Bo-Chih Huang (2014, Mar). Hyperbolic quenching problem with damping in the micro-electro mechanical system device. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, 19(2), 419-434. (SCI). NSC 99-2115-M-032-006-MY3.
John M. Hong, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu*, Bo-Chih Huang, Tzi-Sheng Yang (2013, May). Geometric singular perturbation approach to the existence and instability of stationary waves for viscous traffic flow models. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 12期,1501-P.1526. (SCI).
John M. Hong, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu*, Bo-Chih Huang (2012, Aug). Existence and uniqueness of generalized stationary waves for viscous gas flow through a nozzle with discontinuous cross section. Journal of Differential Equations, 253期,1088-P.1110. (SCI).
Bo-Chih Huang. Geometric singular perturbation approach to stationary wave solutions for viscous nonlinear balance laws . Jhongli City, Taoyuan Country, Taiwan: National Centeral University. Jul, 2012.